Thursday, March 18, 2010

Polska Muzyka 1: Kukiz

My number one in all Polish music is always... Kukiz. Paweł.

An absolutely unique personality and musician with a very personal touch and way of expression. He doesn't pretend ever somebody he's not. Unbelievably honest, open, painfully direct, when needed.

Started with a band called (and unfortunatelly, almost unknown) HAK, always fascinated with the electronic music.

Then his famous AYA RL with similar electronic influence, developed in a little different direction.

And one of the most famous Polish songs ever: Skóra. A legend. A symbol. An incredibly universal voice. Never forgotten. Paweł said many times that was his best text ever.

His EMIGRANCI created a few great Polish hits that are played in the radio stations till today, being a part of the greatest Polish old rock history.

And finally the most important and significant voice of Kukiz: the group PIERSI with its punk-rock approach to express the deepest care of Kukiz about the constantly humiliated (mostly by our government) country the most, however, touching many other life topics, bringing tears and laughs in the same amount.

Being basically a punk-rocker, forgotten from his electronic side and never really understood from his very sensitive (he is a cancer!!) and romantic side (i.e. his co-work with Jan Borysewicz), he is a musician and a person who surprises and amazes me for a second decade already.

And "Kujawiak", my absolute favorite and Paweł's, too:))) A song that I met his music and himself through... From Jarocin 93', delicoious:)

And another one.... so pure, so strong, so kukizyyyy...

"Leżę" - that one to experience live is a real something... Always great, hard to choose one version, but this one is probably the best...

"Maryna" form his first movie (a great one, of course) "Girld Guide"...

And from the same movie, an old one "Chodź tu miła..."

"...krowy ryczą, świnki śmierdzą w chlewie..."

I love this description of his album...:) "ja pisałem tesksty, więc rewelacja"

And much newer, from the last album...

Or "Policja", so true...

And I cannot skip a very popular one (not my favorite, though) "Całuj mnie" with a nice American accent;)

...and I could list here his songs without an end... A great personality, Pole, artist.

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